“Yes I Changed”

Last year I had gone through some major changes in life. And for that time, I used to question the pattern of things a lot. The depression was killing me. One year forward, I thank God every day for those changes. I grew up so much mentally in this short period of time. I became very self-aware. Every time a certain someone or something is removed from my life, I receive something way more grand in return. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. So I’m not questioning the patterns anymore. I don’t interfere in the process of transition. I’ve started to let things flow. I’ve finally stopped sticking around for people who made me question my worth. I don’t lie awake measuring and analyzing and questioning my value, anymore. I am enough. I cherish every single person that accepts me for who I am.

15 thoughts on ““Yes I Changed”

  1. thankyou for those kind words! means a lot to me! and in my opinion, one should cherish themselves no matter how worthless they seem, for in the end it’s all that matters! 🙂

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